Today, we’re addressing the backlogs and delays caused by the global pandemic and how to deal with Immigration Canada accordingly.



Transcript: “Hi, I’m Jennifer Roggemann. Are you frustrated with Immigration Canada these days? Because I am. Not because they did something wrong, but because with COVID for the last 2 years, the backlog and the delay and repeat of many requests has been really difficult.

Some of the things that I would like to recommend is to make sure all your documents are as accurate as possible- all of your information lined up, or so that you do not follow up too often. Give them a little bit of time to catch up.

Second thing is that when you are waiting, don’t wait too long. It sounds my advice is contradictory right now, but give them enough time to process an application, but also do not wait too long. For example, if you’ve filed something and not heard from anyone for 120 days (3-4 months), you should probably be checking what’s going on.

The third thing that I would recommend is, to think of different options for you to do. Meaning, don’t think about it your application as a singular application but looking at your immigration plan as a broad plan with an ultimate goal of what you want. For example, you may apply for a study permit right now, but what is your ultimate goal? Do you want to move to Canada on a permanent basis? If that’s the case, you should have more than one option and plan it out that way.

So, overall I know it’s frustrating and I know it’s challenging to wait around. It’s also frustrating that you cannot follow up and cannot talk with another human being. But, I’m sure we can get through this, and many clients who have been frustrated who’ve been waiting long, they’ll all get to where they need to get to. If you feel that you’re stuck somewhere, give me a call and we can take a look and I’ll give you some of the options for you to work it out. If you would like to wait a little longer, I’m sure spring will come and this will finish at the end.”