Every family that migrates to Canada has many reasons for doing so, but none of those reasons are readily understood by a young child
leaving all he knows behind. Questions will always loom for a growing mind that tries to comprehend why such a move was necessary.
Such was my struggle when my parents first came to Canada. My father would tell us that “in Canada, we would have a better life”. As a
child, this was a concept too great to grasp. However, as I grew older, that notion would inspire me to live the “Canadian Dream”.
It’s a dream that is shared by many immigrants. To live out a definition of success that is uniquely Canadian. To live happily,
comfortably, without fear of prejudice or persecution. To be within reach of world-class education and health care. To live in a society
with modern infrastructure and technology. Canada constantly appears at the top of Quality of Life rankings for these very reasons. These
are all things I grew to appreciate as I transitioned from child to man hood.
However, there is still something more to being a Canadian. We are a shining example of democracy around the world. As Canadians, we have a reputation for being kind and accepting, yet we will stand up and fight for our values. As other developed nations turn away Syrian
refugees we hold to these very values and invite them in with warmth and understanding.
It’s these virtues that make me so proud to be a Canadian. I am reminded of a quote by former Governor-General of Canada, Vincent
Massey which goes like this, “Canada is not a melting-pot. Canada is an association of peoples who have, and cherish great differences but
who work together because they can respect themselves and each other.” It is this type of thinking that has made Canada so great and why I love Canada.