Let’s celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday by sharing our stories about this great nation. Canada means so many different things to each of us and we want to highlight the cultural diversity and uniqueness that make Canada great. We invite you to take a few moments and share your story with us; it can be about making this nation your home or being grateful for something that many others would take for granted.
You are invited to share your story with us below.
Over the course of the year, we want to share 150 different stories! We might choose to share your story and edit it down to repost it as a feature on our blog, Facebook, Twitter. To get you thinking, beside this form is Heather’s story.
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If this form does not work, feel free to email us at info@jrlawoffice.com
Here is why Heather from our office loves Canada
I was born and raised in rural southwestern Ontario to a Canadian Father and an American mother. I never really thought about where I came from, it was just who I was. Learning about confederation and the last spike of the railroad that joined this nation, or about Vimy Ridge where Canada developed her national pride, was just what I learned in school.
Having aboriginal people as part of my school classes was normal.
As I grew up, I became exposed to more and more people from other places and my world view expanded. In the last five years I have had the privilege of working with people from all over the world and learning their stories and why they want to call Canada home.
The first time I attended a Citizenship ceremony, I was struck by the awesome privilege that I was given by birth. That day I chose to declare that Canada was my home by taking the Citizenship oath. Saying the words out loud made it more ‘real’ that this was MY country.
I love to travel and have many stories of experiencing many wonderful places – including most provinces in Canada but there really is no place like home. There are too many places that have warm spots in my heart to choose a favourite. Seeing Moraine Lake Alberta reflect the magnificent Rockies on a cool September morning, sitting by a campfire in Algonquin Park and being surrounded by the beady eyes of racoons (hey, not all experiences are comfort inducing!), skating the length of the Rideau Canal, walking on the ocean floor during low tide at the Bay of Fundy… may make the short list. However, they all remind me of what an amazing place I get to call home.
As Canada celebrates 150 years, there are a lot of darker patches to our history that we need to own and bring into the light but this is an amazing land and I pray that God will always keep our land, glorious and free. -Heather
Here are some Canada 150 Feature Stories
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