Citizenship week (October 21st-27th, 2013) is a significant  time of year for an immigration lawyer.  It is what we want for all of our clients: a chance to cement their new lives in Canada.

Citizen Week

As an advisor and advocate, we have done our part to make Canada their new home – it is now up to them to embrace and accept Canada into their hearts.  The first person that they need to convince that they ARE Canadian is the person they see in the mirror.  They must accept themselves as Canadians first, and others will draw their cues from their attitude and involvement.

Citizenship Week  is a chance for all Canadians to not only think about the value they place in their Canadian citizenship, but to embrace the role of being an active citizen; to get involved in their community and in community life.

Active citizenship is a series of daily acts that contribute to the vibrancy of our communities, and our country – from volunteering wherever we feel motivated to help, to civic participation in democracy, to accepting cultural differences among us.

Small acts yield powerful results and we believe all Canadians have a reason to demonstrate the value they place in belonging to this great nation by getting involved.

Let’s use Citizenship Week as a launching point for a new level of active engagement in our sphere of influence.