My wife and I first met when we were just a few days old – our Mothers were great friends – but we didn’t really get together until later in life. Sonja had emigrated to Canada from our native Great Britain as a young child with her Parents. We kept in touch over the years and as fate would have it we got together and married in 2003. Our plan had always been to retire in Canada. When the time came for us to do so, we did not anticipate the hurdles that we would have to overcome. We soon realized we needed help, my corporate lawyer referred us to Jennifer. We are so glad he did !

When we first came to Jennifer so many years ago now to help fix Sonja’s status as a permanent resident, little did we know that we would be one of their longest running repeat clients! Jennifer helped us fix Sonja’s status and then we moved on to her sponsorship of me for permanent residency. Now we’re just about to start back with them for Sonja’s Canadian citizenship – and maybe mine down the road as well! They know so much about us they’re like family. Unlike many lawyer’s offices’ I have dealt with in my business life Jennifer’s office is not a stuffy outfit; it is so relaxed and the atmosphere they have created is very, very special. It has been a real joy going there.

The friendliness and business ethics of the firm cannot be overstated. They are very thorough in all their reporting, which gave us a lot of confidence in the process. More than that, we like all of the girls in the office. We feel comfortable with them. I don’t know how (or why) people would do this on their own. Their knowledge and guidance you just can’t get from a book. Sure, we could probably do Sonja’s citizenship application on our own but, we want to make sure it’s done right and that is what Jennifer’s office is about.

Everyone in the office plays a key role in working on our files. They are all specialists in their own area – and even the boss is ok 😉  When they asked us if there was anything that we would recommend them to change or improve, we told them to carry on doing the same. If it’s not broken, why try to fix it? Stay with the winning formula!

Thanks, Jennifer and team, for making Canada truly feel like home for both of us.  

 Andrew and Sonja