My partner and I had many complications to our story – not the least of which was we had tried to apply for my Permanent Residency on our own and had been denied.  We had a lot of hurdles to overcome but we knew that we
wanted to be together here in Canada as Becky’s children are here.

We knew we needed help and we looked to Google for direction.  Jennifer being on the first page of the Google rankings was a good indicator for us that this was a reputable firm.  We then looked over her website and read
some of her client’s testimonials.   They seemed compassionate and understanding from the bio on their website and so we gave them a call.  We were nervous to come in and meet with a lawyer as we hadn’t done that a lot
before.  It was really daunting because this was important.  If we were rejected again, the entire direction of our lives could change.

When we came to the office we were greeted warmly but professionally.  By the end of our consultation with Jennifer, we knew that this was the place that could give us some peace of mind.  We had a lot of things against us, but they didn’t overwhelm or discourage Jennifer.  She told us she could help and suddenly our worries didn’t seem so insurmountable.  We liked that the office was friendly and not your typical glass and marble law firm.  We didn’t feel looked down on and we were treated with respect as equals.

They are very thorough and it was a tough meeting when we had to share our relationship with the team.  However, when we were finished, it was almost cathartic.  They handled our story with sensitivity and professionalism and when we had told them everything, it felt like the hard part was over and
now it was up to them to advocate for us.

I’m not the type of person to micromanage someone and so it was a relief to have someone give us a plan to follow and it didn’t matter so much how long the process took as long, as they were looking after it.  They made it easy
to calm my partner’s fears.  We don’t even know all of what they did for us behind the scenes.  We took the ‘no news is good news’ approach and trusted that they had our back – and they did.

They are not cheap, but there is no way I would try to do this without Jennifer or recommend anyone to do this process on their own.  This time, our In-Canada application was approved in about 15 months.   I am now a permanent resident here in Canada and I will be coming back to Jennifer in a few years to apply for my Canadian Citizenship.

Ardin and Becky