It is very difficult for Honduran citizens to obtain a visitor’s visa to Canada mainly because Honduras is a poor country and Canadian officials are concerned that applicants will not return to their home country. My girlfriend Bernie had already been turned down on a previous application to visit her brother and his family in Winnipeg for this very reason. This time around, we decided to obtain legal assistance for her recent application and Jennifer Roggeman came highly recommended.
Jennifer and her capable staff explained the process and provided us with necessary information to assist in making a successful application. It was a lot of work documenting our relationship, Bernie’s work and educational history, and providing information about her family in Honduras, the US and Canada. Jennifer’s staff assisted us in answering all relevant questions and helped us put together a professional package that led to Bernie receiving her visitor’s visa to Canada. She spent 10 weeks this past fall in Canada including a week with her brother and his family in Winnipeg and another week visiting other relatives in Edmonton. She loves Canada, found Canadians to be “so nice and so polite”, and will be back next summer.
The application was uploaded online and Bernie received word that her request had been successful within two days! During the process, Jennifer and her staff were always helpful and optimistic. I enjoyed coming into her office and dealing with staff that were friendly, considerate, thorough, and professional. Bernie also visited the office when she arrived and expressed her gratitude to all the ladies who make up Jennifer’s team.
— Fred and Bernie.