I met my wife online, and we visited each other a few times.  On one visit I was refused entry at the border.  That denial really started us thinking about how to do this immigration process so that we could be together.  I had figured out that I could come and visit for six months, but we didn’t know what to do next.  After I’d been here for about four months, and we knew that we wanted to be together, we started going to lawyers in Stratford, where Ashton lived, and ask about how to do this process.  The name we were given was – Jennifer Roggemann – as the woman to see. We checked out her website online, and gave her a call.

We’d talked to a lawyer in London and he wanted to do everything by phone or email.  We didn’t want that out of fear that it could be a scam and that we might run into a lot of confusion.  Instead, we wanted a more personal touch, reassurance.   Our first meeting was in person and we liked what we saw.  It’s a personable place and Jennifer walked us through the process.  They were fairly local to us and accessible by phone and email.

We’re glad that we hired them to walk us through this process.  They’re friendly, thorough and professional. It was reassuring to have people helping us who had gone through the process themselves.

Without Jennifer and her team, I would have left a year ago and been unsure how to come back.  Once we started here, we knew what we had to do; we had a plan and hopes for the future.  We could set goals.

Both Ashton and I are happy to recommend Jennifer and her team to others.  They get the job done.  They do what they say they’ll do.  We can assure any future clients that they will be served as well as we have been.

I now have confidence in my status here in Canada.  I’m a permanent resident.  I’m allowed to live here with my wife.  I can build a future and a life with the woman I love.  I belong.  I no longer feel like I have to hide or worry about being forced to leave – even though I always had some status here.

Thank you Jennifer and team for getting us here.

— Kyle & Ashton