I am originally from Bermuda and while that may sound like a great place to call home, I realized that I no longer fit in with that culture. I realized that I fit in Canada like a hand in a really nice glove.

I had come to Canada for University and had stayed and found work and love here. I wanted to figure out how to get my permanent residency and I knew that I had procrastinated on getting that taken care of. I googled Immigration lawyers in the area because I didn’t want to do this process myself. I came to her office because she had the highest ratings on Google and I liked that Jennifer was an immigrant herself. I liked everyone immediately and although Jennifer was tough, but fair, during the consultation, she laid out my options clearly and didn’t, as I like to say ‘blow a lot of smoke up the tailpipe’.

Because of a variety of circumstances, we decided to do an In-Canada Spousal application with my partner Andy sponsoring me. Both of us are extremely satisfied with our experience with Jennifer and her office. They are professional and courteous and fast working. I never walked away without the answer I was looking for. They’re honest and transparent and they provided a lot of value for both of us. I did learn that this process works as hard as you work it.

This process isn’t cheap, but I expected that. I do like to feel that the people I’m paying are working for my money, just like I did to earn it. I felt they used my time well. Everyone we worked with was fantastic. They have great expertise and industry-specific knowledge that is very helpful. I have recommended like 12 people to their office because I’m that satisfied with them.

I’m the type of person that, if I can cut risk out, I will do it. I could do this process myself but if I can make sure that every “i” is dotted and “t” is crossed by having someone do it for me; that’s worth it to me. They see changes in law and respond faster than I could ever do on my own. I like hedging my bets so spending time and money to have a good shot and being successful the first time was the way to go for me. Canada isn’t a frightening country, but the process is still intimidating and I didn’t want to mess anything up. I was still anxious whenever I heard from them and so simple things like ‘good news!’ in the subject line of an email was really helpful for me.

When they called me in December and told me that our file was complete and that I was going to have the gift of permanent residency for Christmas, I couldn’t contain myself. It finally sunk in; the freedom that gift gave me. I moved around a lot as a kid and so I’d always defined ‘home’ in terms of people, not geography. This is the first time I have a geographic home. I’ve sacrificed for it, I’ve worked for it, and now I have the freedom to enjoy it.

I’ve got my love here, my job is here and I have a community here that I want to give back to. Thank you Jennifer and team for helping me to come home.

— Lexi