My partner and I found Jennifer online and read her reviews. We had tried to apply for Express Entry on our own and found the information on the Immigration Canada website confusing. We were going around in circles and precious time was passing. We liked that Jennifer’s office is a small business and that the staff have a personal connection to the immigration process. We felt, and experienced, that we would be cared for properly.

Our first impression of Jennifer in our consultation was that she was very knowledgeable and cut through the confusion that we had been experiencing. We realized she really understood the process and, although her estimate of the cost was much more than doing it ourselves, we realized it was worth it. It’s an invaluable investment in our future here in Canada.

We’ve never regretted the decision to hire Jennifer and her team. They’re very thorough and yet personable. We were kept informed and we really felt like everyone we dealt with was on top of changes with Immigration Canada. We never doubted the skill of those working on our file.

The only tensions we experienced were through misunderstandings regarding timing of the process, but this was resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. We had total trust that Jennifer’s team knew what they’re doing and we were so glad that we didn’t have to figure it out ourselves. This is a monster of a process and they are prepared—and very able— to tackle that monster!

It’s not a cheap process, but to us, it is too important for half measures. We’ve happily spent money on vacations that simply come and go, while a successful immigration result is something you have for life.

The work that Jennifer and her team do is difficult and complex, but they really do change people’s lives. Jennifer is a fighter. We like that! She’s passionate and cares about getting a win for her clients. Her mission is to ‘get it done’ and…mission accomplished.

Everyone in the team has their job, and they’re on top of it. When we got the email from the local IRCC office saying that my daughter and I had an appointment to become permanent residents, we went a little crazy with joy.

At our first meeting we came in with a messy puzzle and Jennifer quickly sorted it out and presented a plan—what a relief! We were freaking out that our family would be torn apart, and now we no longer worry about being separated. We’re able to stay here in our home with the people we love.

Thank you Jennifer and team for changing our lives.

— Magda and Sam