Update On Parental SponsorshipAfter the change to the parental sponsorship application as of December 2016, many sponsors in Canada have entered into the random selection system by February 2nd, 2017. Since then, we have been waiting to receive an email to notify whether you made it or not for 2017 quote of 10,000 application cap.

Before such draw can happen, all duplicated entry, incomplete entry or ineligible entry must be taken out before a draw can happen. IRCC anticipates such draw may occur as early as within the next two weeks, as late as 4-6 weeks, based on different sources.

Upon draw, the first 10,000 who are randomly selected will then receive an email inviting them to apply to sponsor their parents or grandparents. They will have 90 days to send their complete application. If you are not selected, you will get such notification as well.  However, the game is not ended there.

A maximum of 10 000 sponsorship applications will be accepted for processing each year – 2017 as well. After the first 10,000  sponsors will be contacted, they got 90 days to submit a complete application. If IRCC does not receive 10,000 complete applications within the prescribed timeframe (after 90 days), potentially, additional interested sponsors may be drawn and invited to submit an application. This process would repeat itself until the earlier of the end of 2017 OR 10,000 completed applications.

Stay tuned for another update.

If you have any individual questions or concerns, please contact our office for a more customized consultation for your unique situation.  Please note that this posting is for general information only and is not to be considered binding or official legal counsel since situations will vary and can be complicated. The content in this post is current as of the day of entry. Due to the changing nature of Immigration law, the information in this entry may or may not still be applicable.